Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Software Testing :Testing is a procedure to find the completeness,correctness,and quality of the developed software.Testing is a process of executing a software with the intent of finding the bugs.Testing is the one of the essential part of software life cycle.Normally People think that testing is not a challenging job,but in the current comptetive market looking at the risk associated with products ,software testing plays very important role.Sometimes Companies have to suffer a lot of losses because of the lack of proper testing.


Ankit said...

hey vishnu

i tried the sample questions you gave and was able to get 95% right in first go you sure that the questions asked in the exam are at the same par as the ones mentioned in your blog

please mail me at saxena.ankit123@gmail.com

Software testing training  said...

Nice definition. Humans are prone to errors so it is the testing process that helps to uncover those errors and makes the software error free.